My Beautiful Family!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Mother's Thankful Heart

I come before you, Father
To Thank You for this life
The Blessings you have given me
As a Mother and a Wife.

I am thankful for my Children
As I watch them grow and Play
Knowing that each moment
Will last for just today.

I'm thankful for the laundry
For the dust I wipe away
I'm thankful for the problems
that make me stop and Pray.

I'm thankful for my husband's job
The roof above our heads
I'm thankful for our daily food
For the comfort of our beds!

I'm thankful for the errands
The phone that always rings
I'm thankful for the tears we cry
For the joy that laughter brings.

I'm thankful for our Family's love
The way we sit and talk
The simple games we often play
The picnics and the walks.

I'm thankful for the little things
That make up everyday
For therein lies your love, Lord
And the wonder of your ways.

I'm thankful for the memories
That life has brought my way
I count it as your blessing
To be a Mother everyday!!

~A Prayer of Gratitude

1 comment:

  1. I love this! It's beautiful :)

    I've added your link here.

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